In this study, the microtensile bond strengths of an etch-and-rinse resin adhesive to dentin and enamel and a resin-modified glass ionomer adhesive to dentin were determined on teeth known to have originated from subjects over 60 years of age. The same tests were repeated on teeth originating from young subjects. The resin adhesive was Prime & Bond NT (Caulk/Dentsply), while the resin-modified glass ionomer adhesive was Fuji Bond LC (GC America). Both were paired with the same hybrid resin composite, TPH3 (Caulk/Dentsply). Testing was performed after 48 hours using a "non-trimming" microtensile test at a crosshead speed of 0.6 mm/minute. No significant differences were observed between the young and aged teeth for any comparison (p > 0.05). SEM evaluation of the etched dentinal surfaces demonstrated less depth of decalcification in the intertubular areas of aged dentin, but there was no observable difference within the tubules of young and aged dentin.