We examined the extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) block lengths in four breed populations: Japanese Black, Angus, Hereford and Holstein. Three chromosomal regions in which QTL were previously mapped in Japanese Black populations were scanned with 84 microsatellite markers. The estimated LD lengths in these four purebred populations varied from 535 to 683 kb, which is much shorter than the values reported previously. Our findings suggest that QTL can be mapped in sub-centimorgan regions in these populations using an LD-mapping method. We also developed breed identification methods to distinguish Japanese Black from Angus, Hereford, Holstein and F(1) animals (Japanese Black x Holstein) respectively using the haplotypic frequencies of a pair of markers in the breed populations. After assessing the distributions of posterior probabilities to be Japanese Black, we obtained several pairs of markers that completely distinguished Japanese Black from the other breeds. We also obtained several combinations of six markers that completely distinguished Japanese Black animals from F(1) animals.