Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most widely used marker in studies to assess associations between genetic variants and complex traits or diseases. They are also becoming increasingly important in the study of the evolution and history of humans and other species. The analysis and processing of SNPs obtained thanks to high-throughput technologies imply the time consuming and costly use of different, complex and usually format-incompatible software. SNPator is a user-friendly web-based SNP data analysis suite that integrates, among many other algorithms, the most common steps of a SNP association study. It frees the user from the need to have large computer facilities and an in depth knowledge of genetic software installation and management. Genotype data is directly read from the output files of the usual genotyping platforms. Phenotypic data on the samples can also be easily uploaded. Many different quality control and analysis procedures can be performed either by using built-in SNPator algorithms or by calling standard genetic software.
Availability: Access is granted from the SNPator webpage