The present document is being produced on behalf of the French Society of the Physiology Task Force on standards for Infant Respiratory Function Testing whose aim is to provide guidelines for good laboratory practices according to the latest international recommendations. Application of such recommendations could be of particular value when attempting to develop standardized protocols in the scope of multi-centre trials. The first part resume these recommendations about apparatus, acquisition system and software for Infant Respiratory Function Testing. The second part focuses on physiological principles and practical considerations: calibration procedure, infant conditioning, tidal breathing measurements, and occlusion techniques for assessing passive respiratory mechanics, plethysmographic measurements of lung volume and airway resistance and forced expiratory flows measurements. The major problem when collecting lung function data is that of predicted values. Valid reference data, set up according to these recommendations, are, to date, still to be established. The last part of the document provides a review of the literature concerning infant respiratory function reference data and a resume of the most used of them. This document will clearly need to be updated regularly in response to advances in knowledge in this field.