Objective: Of this pilot study was to assess the iron status and dietary intake of 1-3 year-old apparently healthy toddlers of the lower socio-economic class, and the effect of eight weeks intervention with liquid oral iron in an urban slum in Pune, India.
Methods: 50 toddlers (M= 25, F= 25) with mean age of 2.4 years (SD 0.82) were evaluated. Anthropometry, Food Frequency Questionnaire, a hemogram and ferritin were measured. Twenty mg of elemental iron was given to all toddlers. After 8 weeks clinical examination, anthropometry, hemoglobin (HGB) and Ferritin were measured.
Results: Prevalence of anemia was 66% (HGB <11 gm %) and ferritin (iron stores) were low (< 12 microgm/L) in 45 (90%). After therapy prevalence of anemia was 30%. There was a significant difference in the HGB and ferritin levels of children after eight weeks of therapy (p<0.001).
Conclusion: The prevalence of anemia decreased from 66 to 30% after treatment with liquid iron. We propose that all concerned in the care of toddlers should join the fight against anemia and prescribe iron to all toddlers when they are seen for minor ailments.