We report two cases presenting focal neurological deficits with high intensity lesions in fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images on brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which almost completely improved by corticosteroid therapy. Marked elevation of cerebrospinal fluid IL-6 was also noted when these patients showed neurological deficits. As far as we explored, there have been thirteen published case reports of systemic lupus erythematosus patients with reversible focal neurological deficits. The neurological symptoms varied from case to case, but could be attributed to the lesions on MRI scans. The completely reversible feature of neurological manifestations as well as MRI findings on corticosteroid therapy is distinct from any other disorder, including cerebrovascular disease and demyelinating syndrome, in the 1999 American College of Rheumatology nomenclature. Therefore, we propose that reversible focal neurological deficits should be added to the 1999 nomenclature and classification and case definitions.