In 77 patients (34 with left heart valvulopathy, 17 with dilated cardiomyopathy, and 26 with chronic coronary artery disease) pulmonary vascular pressures were estimated from the chest film by means of a new scoring system. Standard chest x-ray films taken immediately before diagnostic right and left cardiac catheterization were analyzed independently by three readers without knowledge of the hemodynamic findings. The radiographic signs were subdivided into three groups as follows, and to each one a score derived from a retrospective statistical analysis was attributed: (A) signs of interstitial edema, (B) patterns of pulmonary blood flow distribution, and (C) alterations in the pulmonary arteries. The sum of the scores of groups A and B x-ray findings correlated well with pulmonary wedge pressure, and the sum of the scores of groups A, B, and C correlated more strongly with the mean pulmonary artery pressure. These results confirm that it is possible, in patients with chronic heart disease, to assess accurately the pulmonary artery and wedge pressures by means of the noninvasive and easily performed chest roentgenogram.