The aim of the present study was to study whether floor heating from 12h after onset of nest building until 48 h after birth of the first piglet had any effect on measures related to body temperature, water consumption, stress response and immune competence in loose-housed sows (n=23). In conclusion, the present results indicate that floor heating for a limited period around parturition did not compromise physiological and immunological parameters, water intake and body temperature in loose-housed sows. The water intake peaked the day before parturition and the body temperature peaked on the day of parturition. A cortisol peak at parturition, a transient rise in the number of leucocytes and neutrophils and a transient reduction in the number of lymphocytes, erythrocytes and in the PCV value were observed. Around and after parturition some non-specific immunological variables seemed to be stimulated while others seemed to be compromised.