Interferon-beta has anti-viral, anti-proliferation and multifunctional immunomodulatory activities and shows promising clinical effects for treatment of inflammatory disorders. The recombinant human interferon-beta (huIFN-beta) 1b was expressed in the food-grade lactic acid bacterium, Lactococcus lactis, using a nisin-controlled gene expression system. huIFN-beta production from recombinant strains (with and without LEISSTCDA propeptide) was approximately 21 and 7 microg l(-1), respectively. Moreover, 95% (former strain) and 88% (latter strain) of total recombinant proteins were secreted into the culture medium. The biological activities of huIFN-beta from recombinant strains revealed similar antiviral activities of 10(7) I.U. mg(-1). These results demonstrate the potential application of recombinant strains as a food grade vehicle to deliver bioactive huIFN-beta in vivo.