We report a case of thrombo-embolic disease in which we were able to detect the presence of serum antiphospholipid auto-antibodies. The existence of antiphospholipid auto-antibodies has already been described in cases of recurrent thrombo-embolism. The thrombogenic role is only partially explained, but would for the greater part be linked to an action on the fibrolytic activity of the vascular parietal wall. Amongst these antibodies one can find amongst others VDRL, antiprothrombinase and anticardiolipin. The association of other stigmata of auto immunity is not rare, especially disseminated lupus erythematosus (LED). When phospholipids are found in an isolated fashion in cases of recurrent thrombo-embolism they produce the syndrome of antiphospholipids. The long term prognosis of this syndrome has not yet been established but the risk of a secondary systemic disease developing justifies a clinical follow up and regular blood checks.