Objectives: Hospital Clínico San Carlos in Madrid is the first Spanish public centre using the latest surgical technology: the Da Vinci robot. First operation was carried out in our department in October 9th 2006. Since then, numerous changes have happened which enabled us to overcome difficulties, to complete the learning curve.
Methods: Between October 9th 2006 and November 30th 2007 we performed 30 radical prostatectomies with the Da Vinci robot. Mean patient age was 63 years (47-70 years) with an ASA (American society of anesthesia) risk below III in all cases, a Gleason score between 2 and 8 and a PSA < or = 15 (3.5-15). Mean prostatic volume measured by transrectal ultrasound was 36 cc (16-90 cc).
Results/conclusions: Six trocars and a 15 mm Hg pneumoperitoneum were employed. Mean operative room occupation time was 5.9 hours (4-14 hours). Two cases were converted to open surgery and one to laparoscopy. No major intraoperative complications have happened. In the immediate post-operative period, 2 patients presented plexopathy and arthralgia, 1 infection at the site of one trocar, and 2 haematomas at the site of trocar insertion. Sixteen patients required transfusion (mean 1 red blood cells unit (0-4)). Bladder catheter was retrieved between 5th and 21st post-operative days (mean 11 days). Regarding continence: 10 patients were completely continent or present mild incontinence (0-1 pad) and 5 had moderate incontinence (2-5 pads). Three patients preserve sexual potency, the rest show different grades of dysfunction.