Physiological fluctuations resulting from the heart beat and respiration are a dominant source of noise in fMRI, particularly at high field strengths. Commonly used physiological noise correction techniques, such as RETROspective Image CORrection (RETROICOR), rely critically on the timing of the image acquisition relative to the heart beat, but do not account for the effects of subject motion. Such motion affects the fluctuation amplitude, yet volume registration can distort the timing information. In this study, we aimed to systematically determine the optimal order of volume registration, slice-time correction and RETROICOR in their traditional forms. In addition, we evaluate the sensitivity of RETROICOR to timing errors introduced by the slice acquisition, and we develop a new method of accounting for timing errors introduced by volume registration into physiological correction (motion-modified RETROICOR). Both simulation and resting data indicate that the temporal standard deviation is reduced most by performing volume registration before RETROICOR and slice-time correction after RETROCIOR. While simulations indicate that physiological noise correction with regressors constructed on a slice-by-slice basis more accurately modeled physiological noise compared to using the same regressors for the entire volume, the difference between these regression techniques in subject data was minimal. The motion-modified RETROICOR showed marked improvement in simulations with varying amounts of subject motion, reducing the temporal standard deviation by up to 36% over the traditional RETROICOR. Though to a lesser degree than in simulation, the motion-modified RETROICOR performed better in nearly every voxel in the brain in both high- and low-resolution subject data.