The modification of flotation method for the examination of diarrhoeic piglet faeces for the detection of Isospora suis oocysts was elaborated. The method was based on removing fractions of fat from the sample of faeces by centrifugation with a 25% Percoll solution. The investigations were carried out in comparison to the McMaster method. From five variants of the Percoll flotation method, the best results were obtained when 2ml of flotation liquid per 1g of faeces were used. The limit of detection in the Percoll flotation method was 160 oocysts per 1g, and was better than with the McMaster method. The efficacy of the modified method was confirmed by results obtained in the examination of the I. suis infected piglets. From all faecal samples, positive samples in the Percoll flotation method were double the results than that of the routine method. Oocysts were first detected by the Percoll flotation method on day 4 post-invasion, i.e. one-day earlier than with the McMaster method. During the experiment (except for 3 days), the extensity of I. suis invasion in the litter examined by the Percoll flotation method was higher than that with the McMaster method. The obtained results show that the modified flotation method with the use of Percoll could be applied in the diagnostics of suckling piglet isosporosis.