We review the fundamental changes that are now occurring to the management of neovascular (wet) age-related macular degeneration (AMD). An improved understanding of the role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the genesis of choroidal neovascular membranes has led to the creation and use of intravitreous anti-VEGF antibodies (bevacizumab and ranubizumab) and an aptamer (pegaptanib) in the treatment of these lesions. These new intravitreous injections for AMD have supplanted previous treatments in both efficacy and safety and are now the standard of care for neovascular AMD. We discuss the biochemistry of the anti-VEGF pathway. While there is substantial evidence for the use of ranubizumab and pegaptanib, the intravitreous administration of bevacizumab has not been tested in randomised controlled clinical trials. We review the evidence base for all three agents and the patho-physiological basis for adverse reactions to intravitreous VEGF blockade.