Detection was measured for a 500 Hz tone masked by noise (an "energetic" masker) or sets of ten randomly drawn tones (an "informational" masker). Presenting the maskers diotically and the target tone with a variety of interaural differences (interaural amplitude ratios and/or interaural time delays) resulted in reduced detection thresholds relative to when the target was presented diotically ("binaural release from masking"). Thresholds observed when time and amplitude differences applied to the target were "reinforcing" (favored the same ear, resulting in a lateralized position for the target) were not significantly different from thresholds obtained when differences were "opposing" (favored opposite ears, resulting in a centered position for the target). This irrelevance of differences in the perceived location of the target is a classic result for energetic maskers but had not previously been shown for informational maskers. However, this parallellism between the patterns of binaural release for energetic and informational maskers was not accompanied by high correlations between the patterns for individual listeners, supporting the idea that the mechanisms for binaural release from energetic and informational masking are fundamentally different.