Introduction: Bone pain is a common symptom of metastatic disease in cancer, experienced with various intensities by about 30% of cancer patients, during the development of their disease, up to 60-90% in the latest phases.
Discussion: In addition to other therapies, such as analgesics, bisphosphonates, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and external beam radiotherapy, bone-seeking radiopharmaceuticals are also used for the palliation of pain from bone metastases. Substantial advantages of bone palliation radionuclide therapy include the ability to simultaneously treat multiple sites of disease with a more probable therapeutic effect in earlier phases of metastatic disease, the ease of administration, the repeatability and the potential integration with the other treatments.
Conclusion: The Therapy, Oncology and Dosimetry Committees have worked together to revise the EANM guidelines on the use of bone-seeking radiopharmaceuticals. The purpose of this guideline is to assist the nuclear medicine physician in treating and managing patients undergoing such treatment.