Prediction of countershock success from ventricular fibrillation (VF) ECG is a major challenge in critical care medicine. Recent findings indicate that stable, high frequency mother rotors are one possible mechanism maintaining VF. A computer model study was performed to investigate how epicardiac sources are reflected in the ECG. In the cardiac tissues of two computer models - a model with cubic geometry and a simplified torso model with a left ventricle - a mother rotor was induced by increasing the potassium rectifier current. On the epicardium, the dominant frequency (DF) map revealed a constant DF of 23 Hz (cubic model) and 24.4 Hz (torso model) in the region of the mother rotor, respectively. A sharp drop of frequency (3-18 Hz in the cubic model and 12.4-18 Hz in the torso model) occurred in the surrounding epicardial tissue of chaotic fibrillatory conduction. While no organized pattern was observable on the body surface of the cubic model, the mother rotor frequency can be identified in the anterior surface of the torso model because of the chosen position of the mother rotor in the ventricle (shortest distance to the body surface). Nevertheless, the DFs were damped on the body surfaces of both models (4.6-8.5 Hz in the cubic model and 14.4-16.4 Hz in the torso model). Thus, it was shown in this computer model study that wave propagation transforms the spatial low pass filtering of the thorax into a temporal low pass. In contrast to the resistive-capacitive low pass filter formed by the tissue, this spatial-temporal low pass filter becomes effective at low frequencies (tens of Hertz). This effect damps the high frequency components arising from the heart and it hampers a direct observation of rapid, organized sources of VF in the ECGs, when in an emergency case an artifact-free recording is not possible.