Objective: Identify the representations of patients regarding their disease, their accession and the positive and resistance factors of their participation in the network to understand how the network could improve their care.
Method: Qualitative survey. We conducted twenty interviews, using open-ended questionnaires, with diabetic type 2 patients, registered for over a year in the healthcare Codiab network in the department of Morbihan.
Results: The relationship with their diabetes was built in connection with their stories, their family history, their socio-economic conditions. These dimensions strongly affect the perception they may have of their care. Their accession to the network, whether they are "participants" or "non" is mostly passive, perceived as a "prescription" which responds primarily to a need identified by a professional of care. The network may appear as an alternative to attending physician instead of an asset in connection with him.
Conclusion: It would be necessary to establish a consulting educational diagnosis before the patients enter in the network in order to better identify their needs and expectations to improve the response of the network. It would then be a matter of ensuring a personalized therapeutic educational journey adapted over time to the patient's lifestyle. Finally, it would seem necessary to reposition in the network, physicians, local actors, which are essential to a relationship of care guided by care structured by networks.