Renal diseases induce nephroprotective measures that may affect the heart, brain and other organs. In addition, many cardiovascular and neurological diseases are accompanied by renal lesions. For these reasons, multiorgan-protective measures, including cardio-, reno- and neuro-protective measures, are necessary to treat these diseases. The drugs used in nephrology are often pleiotropic. Although they usually address a single organ or tissue, many of them have complex actions that may provide multiorgan-protection. The present paper aims to review 3 classes of drugs that are commonly prescribed in nephrological practice: statins, RAS blockers (such as ACEIs and ARBs) and erythropoietin (EPO). This paper highlights the renoprotective actions, as well as those that are protective of the heart, brain and other organs, of these drugs at the cellular and molecular level. Their protective actions are attributable to their main effects and pleiotropic effects. The protective pleiotropic actions of these drugs may be exerted on multiple organs, making them multiorgan-protective. Another objective is to analyse the shared multiorgan-protective pleiotropic effects of RAS blockers (ACEIs and ARBs), statins and erythropoietin. This will allow for the practical association of the main renoprotective drugs with multiorgan protection.