Endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms has generated widespread interest since the procedure was first introduced two decades ago. It is frequently performed in patients who suffer from substantial comorbidities that may render them unsuitable for traditional open surgical repair. Although this minimally invasive technique substantially reduces operative risk, recovery time, and anesthesia usage in these patients, the endovascular method has been prone to a number of failure mechanisms not encountered with the open surgical method. Based on long-term results of second- and third-generation devices that are currently becoming available, this study sought to identify the most serious failure mechanisms, which may have a starting point in the morphological changes in the aneurysm and stent-graft. To investigate the "behavior" of the aneurysm after stent-graft repair, i.e., how its length, angulation, and diameter change, we utilized state-of-the-art ex vivo methods, which researchers worldwide are now using to recreate these failure modes.