The effectiveness of dynamic cardiomyoplasty as a means of haemodynamic support in heart failure remains controversial. We have undertaken a study of right ventricular dynamic cardiomyoplasty in sheep using intravenous propranolol to provoke heart failure. Muscle conditioning was performed with cardiomyostimulators following a previously established protocol. We performed multiple invasive measurements of haemodynamic parameters including arterial blood pressure, cardiac output, pulmonary artery capillary wedge pressure, right ventricular dp/dt and end diastolic pressures. These were performed before induction of heart failure, after induction of heart failure, and with pacing of the cardiomyoplasty flap in established heart failure. Our results confirm that we were able to establish significant heart failure and that subsequent pacing of the conditioned muscle flap was able to return cardiac output and right ventricular function to their pre-failure control levels.