Objective: To determine the number of reported cases of transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) in the Netherlands in 2002-2005 and to determine how many cases were associated with incompatibility between leukocyte-reactive antibodies in the donor plasma and leukocytes or antigens in the recipient.
Design: Retrospective national case review.
Method: Cases of TRALI reported in 2002-2005 were assessed according to the national clinical definition of TRALI, and the relationship between TRALI and transfusion was assessed. Additional clinical details were requested from the treating hospital as necessary. The results of leukocyte serological tests from donors and recipients were linked to clinical cases. For cases with positive leukocyte serological tests, the relevant blood components and the sex of the donor were recorded.
Results: Of the 46 cases reported, 6 had insufficient information. 8 cases did not meet the definition or had another more likely diagnosis. There was a trend toward an increase in the number of reports: 12 cases were reported in 2005, corresponding with 1:60,000 blood components. Of the 40 evaluable cases, 32 (80%) met the definition of TRALI and were deemed to be definitely (n = 16), probably (n = 5) or possibly (n = 11) related to transfusion. Severity ranged from moderate to life-threatening, and there was one TRALI-related death. Leukocyte serology was fully investigated in 18 cases: 13 (72%) had leukocyte incompatibility and in 5 cases exclusively fresh frozen plasma from a female donor was implicated.