Background: Many platelet (PLT) components undergo multiple periods of shipment before transfusion. We have previously conducted studies investigating maintenance of apheresis PLT in vitro quality measures during a single 24- or 30-hour interruption of agitation, but data are not available for multiple periods without agitation.
Study design and methods: Apheresis PLTs were collected with both the Amicus (Fenwal, Inc.) and the Trima (Gambro BCT) cell separators to provide two identical PLT products, each with approximately 4 x 10(11) to 5 x 10(11) PLTs. One product was subjected to a single contiguous 24- or 30-hour period of interrupted agitation between Days 2 and 3 of storage by placement in a standard shipping box at room temperature. The matched product was not agitated on each of 3 days (Days 0, 1, and 3) for specified intervals totaling an identical period of time.
Results: Interrupting agitation for three periods resulted in greater maintenance of pH during storage than that observed using one contiguous period. These differences were significant for units held without agitation for 24 hours (Day 5, 0.08 pH units, p < 0.0001; Day 7, 0.10 pH units, p = 0.0059) and were also significant for units held without agitation for 30 hours (Day 5, 0.15, p < 0.0001; Day 7, 0.20, p < 0.0001). The two different interruption of agitation scenarios did not result in significant differences in the extent of shape change and hypotonic shock response variables after 5 or 7 days of storage.
Conclusion: Apheresis PLTs subjected to three periods without agitation maintained overall pH levels slightly greater than those of matched units subjected to one contiguous period without agitation. Other measures showed comparability of PLT in vitro variables with the two scenarios for interruption of agitation.