Aims: We investigated the role of Valsartan (V) alone or in combination with Simvastatin (S) on coronary atherosclerosis and vascular remodeling, and tested the hypothesis that V or V/S attenuate the pro-inflammatory effect of low endothelial shear stress (ESS).
Methods: Twenty-four diabetic, hyperlipidemic swine were allocated into Early (n=12) and Late (n=12) groups. In each group animals were treated with Placebo (n=4), V (n=4) and V/S (n=4) and followed for 8 weeks in the Early group and 30 weeks in the Late group. Blood pressure, serum cholesterol and glucose were similar across the treatment subgroups. ESS was calculated in plaque-free subsegments of interest (n=109) in the Late group at week 23. Coronary arteries of this group were harvested at week 30, and the subsegments of interest were identified, and analyzed histopathologically.
Results: V alone or with S reduced the severity of inflammation in high-risk plaques. Both regimens attenuated the severity of enzymatic degradation of the arterial wall, reducing the severity of expansive remodeling. V alone or with S attenuated the pro-inflammatory effect of low ESS.
Conclusions: V alone or with S exerts a beneficial effect of reducing and stabilizing high-risk plaque characteristics independent of a blood pressure- and lipid-lowering effect.