Three groups of weanling female mice were fed one of two iron-deficient diets (5 and 12 mg Fe/kg diet) or a normal diet (30 mg Fe/kg diet) for 6 wk. A control pair-fed group was included. Seven mice received the 5 mg Fe/kg diet for 6 wk, then were rehabilitated using the 30 mg Fe/kg diet for 10 d. Mice fed the 5 mg Fe/kg diet were moderately iron-deficient, as shown by indices of iron status. No significant differences were observed in thymus weight or in the proportion and number of thymocyte subsets in thymuses of anemic, moderately iron-deficient and control mice. Thymus weight was decreased in pair-fed mice. No significant difference was found in lymph node subsets. In the spleen of anemic mice, the proportions and total number of Thy-1+ splenocytes, CD4-8+ and CD4+8- cells were very low compared with control (P less than 0.01) and iron-deficient (P less than 0.02) mice. The decrease was not only observed for the percentage of subsets but also for the absolute number of cell subtypes per spleen. Thy-1+ splenocyte subpopulations were normalized after rehabilitation. These quantitative modifications could explain alterations in the blastogenic response of splenic lymphocytes described by other authors.