The "Coordination Action" ProDaC (Proteomics Data Collection) - funded by the EU within the 6th framework programme - was created to support the dissemination, utilization and publication of proteomics data. Within this international consortium, standards are developed and maintained to support extensive data collection by the proteomics community. An important part of ProDaC are workshops organized on a regular basis (two per year) to allow discussions and communication between the ProDaC partners and to report on the progress of the project. The kick-off meeting took place in October 2006 in Long Beach, CA, USA. The 1st ProDaC workshop was held in Lyon, France (April 2007) and the 2nd in Seoul, Korea in October 2007. ProDaC organized the 3rd ProDaC workshop at the Beatriz Hotel, Toledo, on 22nd April, 2008, directly before the HUPO - PSI spring meeting (Human Proteome Organisation - Proteomics Standards Initiative). The work package coordinators presented talks about the progress achieved during the past six months. Additionally four external speakers presented their work on data conversion and data repositories. The concluding discussion session was chaired by the Journal's representative.