A retrospective analysis of 25 cases of peripheral odontogenic fibroma (World Health Organization type) (PODF [WHO-type]) in a Taiwan Chinese population was performed at a single institution. The clinical findings, which included a wide age distribution, a female preponderance and no racial predilection, were consistent with those of previous case series reports; however, a slight preference for location in the maxilla was found in the current case series. It is noteworthy that one particularly sizable lesion was identified in a 30-year-old Chinese female who presented with a swollen mass in the right mandible that had been present for about 2 years. Intraoral examination revealed an exophytic firm mass that measured 4.5 x 4 cm, located over the right mandibular edentulous ridge from the second premolar to the second molar area. Both panoramic radiography and computerized tomography revealed multiple radiopacities within the tumor. In conclusion, the analysis of clinical data in the current case series of PODFs (WHO-type) occurring in Taiwan Chinese mostly corroborates other reports; however, an unusually large mandible lesion was noted, indicative of the apparent size that such tumors can reach unless they are surgically removed at an early stage.