A micro test pattern prepared by focused ion beam milling was used to evaluate the three-dimensional resolution of a microtomograph at the BL20B2 beamline of SPring-8. The resolutions along the direction within the tomographic slice plane and perpendicular to it were determined from the modulation transfer functions. The through-plane resolution perpendicular to the tomographic slice was evaluated to be 8 microm, which corresponds to the spatial resolution of two-dimensional radiographs. In contrast, the in-plane resolution within the slice was evaluated to be 12 microm. Real-space interpolation was performed prior to the tomographic reconstruction, giving an improved in-plane resolution of 8.5 microm. However, the 8 microm pitch pattern was resolved in the interpolated slice image. To reflect this result, another resolution measure from the peak-to-valley difference plot was introduced. This resolution measure gave resolution limits of 7.4 microm for the in-plane direction and 6.1 microm for the through-plane direction. The three-dimensional test pattern along with the interpolated reconstruction enables the quantitative evaluation of the spatial resolution of microtomographs.