Molecular data can aid in the resolution of conflicting hypotheses generated through difficulties in the interpretation of morphological data and/or an incomplete fossil record. Moreover, the reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships using molecular data may help to trace back the origin of morphological innovations which had a major impact on the radiation of a taxonomical group. In this work, different nuclear (18S, 28S, and H3) and mitochondrial (16S and COI) gene regions were sequenced in a total of 35 Achelatan species to test conflicting hypotheses of evolutionary relationships within the Achelata infraorder and solve the taxonomic disagreements in the group. The combined molecular dataset strongly supports the hypothesis that Achelata is a monophyletic group composed of two main families: Palinuridae and Scyllaridae. Synaxidae is found to be a polyphyletic group, which should be included within Palinuridae. Consequently, our results indicate that the origin of the stridulating organ occurred only once during Achelata evolution. Finally, the two main clades found within the Scyllaridae are in agreement with previous inferences based on adult morphological data. The dating of divergence of Achelata obtained with a relaxed-clock model is compatible with previous hypotheses of a Triassic origin of the Achelata.