The physical mapping of complex genomes is based on the construction of a genomic library and the determination of the overlaps between the inserts of the mapping clones in order to generate an ordered, cloned representation of nearly all the sequences present in the target genome. Evaluation of the relative efficiency of experimental procedures used to accomplish this goal must minimally include a comparison of the fraction of the genome covered by the ordered arrays (or "contigs"), the average size of the contigs, and the cost, in terms of time and resources, required to generate the map. Sequence-tagged-site (STS) content mapping is one strategy that has been proposed and is being utilized for this type of experiment. This paper describes three STS selection schemes and presents computer simulations of contig-building experiments based on these procedures. The results of these simulations suggest that a nonrandom STS strategy that uses paired probes requires one-third to one-fourth as many STS assays as are required in random and nonpaired approaches, and also results in a map that has both greater genome coverage and a larger average contig size. This strategy promises to reduce the time and cost required to build a high-quality physical map.