Background: Pregnancies in spinal cord-injured (SCI) patients present unique clinical challenges. Because of the neurogenic bladder and the use of intermittent catheterization, chronic bacteriuria and recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI) is common. During pregnancy the prevalence of UTI increases dramatically. Recurrent UTI requires multiple courses of antibiotics and increases the risks of abortion, prematurity, and low birth weight. A weekly oral cyclic antibiotic (WOCA) program was recently described for the prevention of UTI in SCI patients.
Objective: To test the impact of WOCA in six SCI pregnant women (four paraplegic, two tetraplegic).
Design: This was a prospective observational study. WOCA consists of the alternate administration of one of two antibiotics once per week.
Results: We observed a significant reduction of UTI (6 UTI/patient/year before pregnancy to 0.4 during pregnancy and under WOCA; p<0.001) and no obstetric complications. Infant outcomes were good.
Conclusion: The WOCA regimen could be useful for UTI prophylaxis in SCI pregnant women.