Over-expression of protein kinase Balpha enhances recombinant protein expression in transient systems

Cytotechnology. 2002 Jan;38(1-3):11-4. doi: 10.1023/A:1021121107801.


As more genes are being identified through genomic techniques,the need to rapidly express recombinant proteins for functionalstudies has become increasingly acute. Transient expression ofrecombinant protein using COS-1, CV-1 and 293 cells is widelyused to address this need. To improve the robustness of hostcells for transient expression, the effect of over-expression ofProtein Kinase Balpha has been explored. In this report wedemonstrate that over-expression of Protein Kinase Balpha canimprove transient recombinant protein expression 40% to >200%depending on the protein being expressed and the cell line used.