Since the literature on benzodiazepine use in elderly patients with anxiety disorders is limited, a large cross-sectional review of psychotropic prescriptions in 796 patients with neurotic disorders (ICD-10) (age range=11-91 years) was conducted across 30 sites in Japan. Use of benzodiazepine-derivative anxiolytics was approximately 70% in all decades without a group difference. The proportion of subjects who received prescriptions for benzodiazepine-derivative anxiolytics in the absence of antidepressants was higher in older age groups (e.g., 27.7% and 43.2% in the third and sixth decades, respectively). On the other hand, antidepressants were less frequently prescribed in older age groups (e.g., 59.8% and 41.5% in the third and sixth decades, respectively). The very high use of anxiolytics in the elderly, especially in the absence of concomitant antidepressant use, is a cause for concern since they are not a preferred long-term treatment strategy given their adverse effects in the elderly.