Over the last few years, a growing number of rheumatologists has taken great interest in ultrasonography for its well known advantages and wide spectrum of validated applications in daily rheumatological practice. Most rheumatologists actively performing ultrasonography have had a training experience mainly based on attendance in sonographic courses and/or in radiological or rheumatological units. At present, in Mexico ultrasonography has a still limited diffusion among rheumatologists even if it may play a key role as a first line imaging technique also because of the restricted availability for rheumatic patients for other imaging modalities. This report describes the Mexican experience in education and training on musculoskeletal ultrasound. In 2003, the Mexican School of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound of the Mexican College of Rheumatology (ECOMER) was founded with the intention of joining efforts to launch musculoskeletal ultrasound in Mexico. Essential requirements shared by all the members of ECOMER include: to own an ultrasound machine, to incorporate ultrasonography into clinical daily practice and to keep up-to-date in musculoskeletal ultrasound. The motto of ECOMER is una clara imagen de la reumatologia which means a clear picture of rheumatology. The statute of ECOMER can be read in its web site: www.ecomer.org.mx. This web site also provides a forum for case discussion, consultation and image review.