Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease. The etiology and pathogenesis of MS remain unclear. At present, there are substantial evidences to support the hypothesis that genetics plays a crucial role. The people who have genetic predisposing genes easily develop immune-mediated disorder, probably in conjunction with environmental factors. The aim of this review is to describe recent observations regarding the immunologic pathogenesis of MS.
多发性硬化是一种自身免疫性疾病, 其发病机制至今还未阐明, 目前认为可能是一些携有先天遗传易感基因的个体有易发生免疫调节功能紊乱的趋势, 在后天环境中外因的作用下, 诱发对中枢髓鞘成分的异常自身免疫应答而致病。 本文综述了近年来的相关文献和科研成果, 旨在探讨多发性硬化的免疫学发病机制。