The movement ecology framework depicts animal movement as the result of the combined effects of internal and external constraints on animal navigation and motion capacities. Nevertheless, there are still fundamental problems to understand how these modulations take place and how they might be translated into observed statistical properties of animal trajectories. Of particular interest, here, is the general idea of intermittence in animal movement. Intermittent locomotion assumes that animal movement is, in essence, discrete. The existence of abrupt interruptions in an otherwise continuous flow of movement allows for the possibility of reorientations, that is, to break down previous directional memories of the trajectory. In this study, we explore the potential links between intermittent locomotion, reorientation behavior, and search efficiency. By means of simulations we show that the incorporation of Lévy intermittence in an otherwise nonintermittent search strongly modifies encounter rates. The result is robust to different types of landscapes (i.e., target density and spatial distribution), and spatial dimensions (i.e., 2D, 3D). We propose that Lévy intermittence may come from reorientation mechanisms capable of organizing directional persistence on time (i.e., fractal reorientation clocks), and we rationalize that the explicit distinction between scanning and reorientation mechanisms is essential to make accurate statistical inferences from animal search behavior. Finally, we provide a statistical tool to judge the existence of episodic and strong reorientation behaviors capable of modifying relevant properties of stochastic searches, ultimately controlling the chances of finding unknown located items.