Background: Medical care of the Mongolian population is still far behind the standard of industrialised countries. Also in the field of otorhinolaryngology there are clear deficits in regard to an adequate diagnosis and treatment of difficult cases. Microsurgery of the ear is still in the very beginning due to missing essential equipment and surgical skills of the few ORL-units that exists in the country. The integration of tympanoplastic procedures into surgical routine is the main goal of a support programme that exists between the medical faculties of the universities of Wuerzburg (Germany) and Ulan Bator (Mongolia). The aim of this work is to present the outcome of these operations in Mongolia.
Methods and patients: As a result of the continuous education and support programme it was possible to perform 90 tympanoplastic procedures between 2005 and 2006 in the local ORL center of Ulan Bator (EMJJ-clinic). The focus of this report is on the postoperative audiological outcome following reconstruction of the ossicular chain either using autologous ossicles or middle ear prostheses. Besides, prostheses made of polyethylene or Teflon (Russian production) as well as titanium prostheses (Kurz Company, Germany) were implanted.
Results: The final evaluation of the audiological results was performed 6 month postoperatively. The titanium prostheses provided the most favourable hearing improvement (mean 26 dB) when compared to the other materials (polyethylene 7 dB, Teflon 18 dB), but also compared to the autologous ossicles (8,6 dB).
Conclusions: The standard tympanoplastic procedures, which were developed over decades, proved to be highly reliable also in a country with reduced medical care. The hearing results obtained especially with titanium prostheses demonstrated, that this highly biocompatible alloplastic material is the most suitable and reliable for middle ear reconstruction also in a difficult surrounding.