Is CO carbon KVV Auger electron emission affected by the photoelectron?

Phys Rev Lett. 2008 Dec 5;101(23):233202. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.233202. Epub 2008 Dec 5.


Angular distributions (ADs) of O+ fragments from C 1s photoexcited CO detected in coincidence with carbon KVV Auger electrons emitted in the horizontal direction were measured at photon energies of 298, 305, 320, and 450 eV. At 450 eV, the ADs are polarization-independent and coincide with the molecular-frame Auger electron angular distribution. All measured ADs can be rationalized as a product of the same molecular-frame Auger electron angular distribution and the axial selectivity in the photoionization process. Thus the interaction between the photoelectron and the Auger electron for the normal Auger decay of CO can be neglected, and the two-step model is a good approximation.