A 32 years old gentleman presented with a lump occupying the epigastric, left hypochondriac and umbilical region for the last 3 months which gradually increased in size & dull aching pain. He also complained of low grade fever and early satiety. On examination, he had a lump on upper abdomen which was irregular, firm, mildly tender, lobulated surface, restricted mobility, dull on percussion. USG examination of HBS revealed hepatomegaly and SOL in liver. CT abdomen revealed soft tissue mass in left upper abdomen. FNA revealed cells of mesenchymal origin. Per operatively a large lobulated, myxomatous highly vascular mass arising from the fundal part of the stomach was found and removed. Histopathology report comments about two differential diagnosis-leiomyosarcoma and gastrointestinal stromal tumour. CD117 immunostaining confirmed it was gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST). Post operatively patient was treated by Imatinib and is now under regular follow up.