Interpersonal stress is a significant determinant of relapse following treatment for Alcohol Use Disorders (AUDs), but there remains little specific information about the mechanisms underlying the relationship between interpersonal stress and AUD relapse. Application of Social Action Theory provides one new approach to advancing knowledge about the interpersonal stress-relapse relationship. Especially relevant are the Social Action Theory construct of social-emotional competence, with its accompanying measurement procedures of the Social Competence Interview and the Anger Transcendence Challenge. This study evaluated the use of the Social Competence Interview and Anger Transcendence Challenge in a sample of 63 men and women in AUD intensive outpatient treatment. The results support the use of the Social Competence Interview and the Anger Transcendence Challenge with an adult AUD clinical sample, so that these measures may help to advance knowledge about the relationship between interpersonal stress and alcohol relapse.