Portal vein thrombosis can occur as a result of primary anomalies, after liver transplantation, and for other reasons. It may result in severe complications secondary to portal hypertension, such as bleeding from esophageal or gastric varices, hypersplenism, or impaired somatic growth. In this retrospective study, we analyzed the outcome of 25 children who underwent a Rex shunt procedure. The following venous grafts were used as the shunt: the autologous internal or external jugular vein (n = 17) or a cryopreserved graft (n = 5); in three patients the umbilical vein was recanalized. The median follow up time was 109 months (range 18 days-146 months). The best results were achieved in patients in whom an autologous jugular vein segment was used as a vascular graft for the Rex shunt (shunt patency of 88%). In patients with a functioning shunt no further lower or upper gastrointestinal bleeding occurred. And in the entire study population hypersplenism syndrome improved after surgery. In our large cohort of pediatric patients, the Rex shunt has shown to be an effective method to eliminate portal hypertension and to revascularize the liver and thereby prevents the possible consequences of long-term portosystemic shunting.