This study was designed to define the epidemiology and natural history of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in women in Rhode Island. Two hundred women referred to Brown University physicians from 1986 through 1990 were evaluated at 3-to-6-month intervals for 12 to 60 months. All received antiretroviral therapy and prophylaxis against opportunistic infections when indicated on the basis of CD4 lymphocyte counts. Major findings included: 1) rapid shift of dominant mode of transmission from intravenous drug sharing to heterosexual route; 2) significant gender-specific differences in clinical presentation; 3) increased frequency of cervical dysplasia in women infected via intravenous needle sharing; 4) no definite gender-specific differences in progression of HIV infection; 5) enormous societal impact of HIV infection in women. Principal conclusions are: 1) rapid change to predominantly heterosexual HIV transmission can occur in North America, with serious societal impact; 2) gender-specific clinical features can lead to earlier diagnosis of HIV infection in women; 3) HIV infection in women does not pursue an inherently more rapid course than that observed in men.