Audiologic candidacy criteria for determining cochlear implantation candidacy in children are evolving. The objective of the study was to examine clinical practice related to the cochlear implantation of children who typically do not meet audiologic criteria for this technology. Practitioners' perspectives on the process and the factors influencing candidacy decisions were explored through focus group interviews with hospital and school-based practitioners. The interviews were analysed using qualitative techniques to identify key issues. The findings from the interviews informed a questionnaire which was sent to all cochlear implant centers in Canada to further examine clinician views and experiences with this special population. Responses were collected from 11 of the 12 centers and indicated that children with hearing outside typical criteria were receiving implants. The definition of 'borderline' varied across the programs from approximately 70 dB HL to less than 90 dB HL. All centers emphasized the importance of considering factors beyond the child's audiometric thresholds in candidacy decision-making.