Incidences of mesothelioma are on the rise in Japan. However, the accurate frequency of mesothelioma occurrence is still unknown. The aim of this study is to clarify the accuracy of pathological diagnosis of mesothelioma. Among the 2742 mesothelioma death cases extracted from the document "Vital Statistics of Japan" for 2003-2005, pathological materials were obtained for 382 cases. After these materials were reviewed and immunohistochemical analyses were conducted, mesothelioma was diagnosed by discussions based on clinical and radiological information. Sixty-five cases (17.0%) were categorized as "definitely not/unlikely" mesotheliomas, and 273 cases (71.5%) were categorized as "probable/definite" mesotheliomas. The percentage of "probable/definite" pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma cases in males was 74.3% and 87.5%, respectively, and that of pleural cases in females was 59.2%; however, the percentage of "probable/definite" peritoneal cases in females was only 22.2%. These results suggest that the diagnostic accuracy of mesothelioma is relatively low in females and in cases of peritoneal and sarcomatoid subtype mesotheliomas; furthermore, approximately 15% of cases of deaths due to mesothelioma in Japan are diagnostically suspicious.