The Electronic REference To access In vivo Concentrations (ERETIC) method was applied to (1)H HR-MAS spectroscopy. The accuracy, precision, and stability of ERETIC as a quantitative reference were evaluated in solution and human prostate tissue samples. For comparison, the reliability of 3-(trimethylsilyl)propionic-2,2,3,3-d(4) acid (TSP) as a quantitation reference was also evaluated. The ERETIC and TSP peak areas were found to be stable in solution over the short-term and long-term, with long-term relative standard deviations (RSDs) of 4.10% and 2.60%, respectively. Quantification of TSP in solution using the ERETIC peak as a reference and a calibrated, rotor-dependent conversion factor yielded results with a precision < or =2.9% and an accuracy error < or =4.2% when compared with the expected values. The ERETIC peak area reproducibility was superior to TSP's reproducibility, corrected for mass, in both prostate surgical and biopsy samples (4.53% vs. 21.2% and 3.34% vs. 31.8%, respectively). Furthermore, the tissue TSP peaks exhibited only 27.5% of the expected area, which would cause an overestimation of metabolite concentrations if used as a reference. The improved quantification accuracy and precision provided by ERETIC may enable the detection of smaller metabolic differences that may exist between individual tissue samples and disease states.