It is hypothesized that differences in the extent of retro-nasal aroma release during consumption may be 1 of the reasons that people vary in their satiation characteristics. Using real-time atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (APcI-MS), in vivo retro-nasal aroma release was determined for 30 subjects consuming 9 different food products, varying in physical structure (i.e., [semi]liquid and solid food products). Additionally, for a subset of the subjects ad libitum food intake was measured. Retro-nasal aroma release intensity and profile morphology appeared to be subject specific and relatively independent of the type of food product subjects consumed. A subject who was observed as having a relatively high retro-nasal aroma release intensity for a (semi)liquid food product also appeared to have a relatively high retro-nasal aroma release intensity for a solid food product. However, for all subjects, there were absolute differences between food products in the extent of retro-nasal aroma release comparing (semi)liquid and solid food products. This implies that the extent of retro-nasal aroma release is a valid physiological feature that characterizes any individual. Interestingly, a negative trend was observed between extent of retro-nasal aroma release and amount of ad libitum food intake (P = 0.07). This may have implications for the regulation of food intake.