The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of early corticosteroid cessation on the occurrence of de novo human leukocyte antigen (HLA) antibody posttransplant. Renal transplant recipients (n=37) were randomized to early corticosteroid withdrawal at day 7 posttransplant (n=21 patients), or to chronic steroids (n=16), all in combination with thymoglobulin as induction agent, tacrolimus and mycophenolic acid as maintenance therapy. To establish the time course of HLA antibody appearance, sera collected pretransplant and for up to 5 years posttransplant were screened for the appearance of HLA antibodies. In this 5-year longitudinal study, only one patient in the control group developed a de novo donor-specific HLA antibody. We conclude that renal transplant recipients on steroid withdrawal by the end of week 1 are not at higher risk for developing HLA antibodies compared with a standard steroid regimen up to 5 years posttransplant.
Trial registration: NCT00650468.