A well-studied subject with visual cortex damage (G.Y.) was tested in his hemianopic field with temporally modulated sinusoidal and square-wave gratings. The purpose was to use an extended range of parameters to obtain a detailed spatiotemporal specification of his residual vision and to try to resolve the discrepancy between negative findings of Hess and Pointer (1989) and previous positive claims. Both the spatial and temporal parameters could be Gaussian-weighted. Detection as a function of spatial frequency, contrast, temporal modulation frequency, stimulus size, and slope of the temporal and spatial Gaussian functions was investigated using a two-alternative forced-choice procedure. The most important parameters for this subject were found to be the slope of the temporal Gaussian function and the size and contrast of gratings. With optimum parameters he could reliably achieve a score of 95-100% correct in his 'blind' field. The results are consistent with earlier studies of this subject, especially his ability to respond to moving stimuli, and also may account for why negative results had been reported for him when particular fixed parameters were used.