Introduction: Gastrointestinal stromal tumor is relatively new term, it can be localized anywhere inside the gastrointestinal system. It has formerly been called leiomyoma, leiomyoblastoma, and/or leiomyosarcoma.
Case report: Case report is about a female patient with indefinite difficulties described as "bother", mild anemia and anamnesis data of her mother who had been operated on for colon tumor. After blood examination, which had shown values within referential limits except for mild anemia, patient underwent radiological examination. Primarily, an abdominal cavity ultrasound had been performed, where a suspicious formation in the right hemiabdomen was found, but without distinctive anatomical localization in the abdominal cavity. Secondly, a checkup by Duplex Doppler ultrasound was made, as well as radiological examination with double contrast of colon and computed tomography, where tumor was visualized on ascendant colon with extraluminal localization.
Discussion: Radiological findings were confirmed by surgery. Histopathological findings were positive for gastrointestinal stromal colon tumor.
Conclusion: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors represent extremely rare tumors of gastrointestinal system, especially when localized at the colon but they should be included in a differential diagnosis for their malignant potential.