Tunable narrowband optical parametric oscillator using a transversely chirped Bragg grating

Opt Lett. 2009 Feb 15;34(4):449-51. doi: 10.1364/ol.34.000449.


We demonstrate a novel technique for locking and tuning of a near-degenerate nanosecond optical parametric oscillator (OPO) using a transversely chirped volume Bragg grating. When the grating was translated, the OPO signal wavelength could be tuned from 1011 to 1023 nm (3.5 THz). The OPO was based on a periodically poled KTiOPO(4) as a nonlinear crystal and was pumped at 532 nm with up to 1.9 mJ of energy. The generated signal at an energy of 0.37 mJ had a bandwidth of 0.50 nm and a suppression of broadband background of >30 dB. The demonstrated technique is widely applicable for the construction of narrowband tunable sources.